


Name Type Attributes Default Description
component object <optional>
<input/> the component to be bound as an executed JSX expression
property string <optional>
the property to which the component should be bound
defaultValue any <optional>
a default value for the property
transformIn TransformValue <optional>
a function to transform inbound values
transformOut TransformValue <optional>
a function to transform outbound values
updateOnBlur any <optional>
set if the component should only update when it blurs
extract Extractor <optional>
a function that transforms event values to real values - default version will extract from if available, otherwise the value itself
attribute string <optional>
"value" the attribute to bind to
event string <optional>
"onChange" the event to be bound for changes
blurEvent string <optional>
"onBlur" the event for blurring
target object <optional>
an override for the target

View Source observable-state.js, line 538